A Father’s Desperate Quest to Find His Missing Kids In America


Most custody battles, while awful for everybody involved, pass without incident. That wasn’t the case for Myself and Carol Grinberg Maslow. In the heat of the fight, Carol absconded with the children (Tali, aged 11, and Shimi, Aged 13) without warning, and I launched an international search to get them home as quickly and safely as possible.

The Disappearance

The first indication that I had that something was wrong came at the start of Hanukkah. My custody agreement stated that the children would be with me for the first four days of the holiday. However, their phone numbers were not working. Panicking, I checked iCloud, and it showed the kids were in a remote location in Pennsylvania.

Almost instantly, I filed a police complaint and took to social media in a desperate bid to track down my children, and fortunately have the full support of the internet behind him.

Pleas To Israel

While both Carol and I live in Israel, Carol took the children to the United States. This contravenes the custody agreement that we have in place. The agreement was reviewed in court by a judge in 2017 and the judge turned it into a court order. So Carol is in contempt of court for interfering with custody, taking kids out of school without my permission and approval, and failing to allow me to be involved with the kids’ lives.

I have started pleading with the Israeli state for help by filing police complaints and court motions.

Under the Hague Convention, Israel has a legal duty to work with the United States to return the kidnapped children to Jacob’s custody. However, at the time of writing, this process has not begun.

It is worth noting that Carol has also broken Israeli law. Under Israeli law, both partners must agree upon any attempt to move the children elsewhere. Since I have joint custody of the children, I  should have been consulted before the children were removed from Israel.

It is unknown how the children could be removed from the country without Jacob’s permission. However, this is likely to be investigated under the Hague Convention, as all parties to the Hague Convention are meant to prevent the kidnap of children actively. The same should have happened in the United States, which means that there were evident failings somewhere along the way.


Carol is Believed To Be a Narcissist

One issue that everybody is facing right now is that Carol is believed to be a narcissist, which Jacob has stated is one of the reasons for his divorce.

This means that she has a very me-focused approach to things, and it is believed that she is not offering the best for either of the children. She wants sole custody of the kids and does not want to share decision-making.

Her narcissism means that she will be adamant to reason with should she end up being tracked down, which can make the repatriation back to Israel a rather complicated process, with Carol likely to do everything in her power to remain hidden from the authorities.

Children Are Believed to Be In the Midwood Section of Brooklyn

While it is highly likely that the children are in the Midwood section of Brooklyn, it is unknown where they currently are. Carol has refused to say where the kids are or arrange for any video calls. This will make it more difficult for the United States to track the children down and return them to the country they need to be in.

As mentioned, she may quickly move on if anybody starts to get an idea of where Carol is. She will try to keep hold of the children for as long as possible. I am afraid she will take the kids to family and friends in Canada.  Due to her mental state and recklessness so far, her behavior is tough to predict.


Jacob Starts The Hunt Online

Since I am not receiving the help, I require from Israel, I have taken to the internet to track down the missing children. I have hit every piece of social media possible in a bid to get his story out there. I hope the more people hear about Carol and her kidnapping, the faster the kids can return to school and their routines.

At the same time, I am continually pleading with Israel and the United States to follow their obligations under the Hague Convention. They will likely start the search for Carol properly soon, but the sooner this is resolved, the better. Every day that Carol is on the run with the kids is another day that the kids are not in school and in an unstable environment. I also do not know if the kids are safe and well.

I  hope to find his children soon and hope to be able to access them within the New Year.


Carol’s Lawyer Yogev Haimi

It is truly horrific that Yogev Haimi is profiting from Carol’s lawlessness. Kim Richardson has been actively seeking clients for him, claiming that “he has lots of connections” and “knows all the rabbis, and they love him.” She further claims he can “work the system” in Israel, as it is all “about who you know.” This speaks to a culture of undue influence and bad faith within the Israeli judicial system that must be addressed.

Custody of the children must be determined solely on their best interests rather than any special relationships or undue influences. Even the appearance of such encourages lawlessness and reinforces the idea that certain people are exempt from responsibility for their actions. Police and courts must act quickly to protect these children and investigate this matter to end this kidnapping as soon as possible.

What bothers me most is that every day that Carol is on the run with the kids is another day that the kids are not in school and an unstable environment. I also do not know if the kids are safe and well.

We must take action to ensure the safe return of Jacob’s children as soon as possible. This must be a priority. The children deserve better. They deserve safety, security, and stability. It is time for the Israeli judicial system to provide this. We must all do our part to ensure justice prevails in this case and the law is upheld. Only then will we be able to end this kidnapping and safeguard the well-being of these children once again.

Let us all come together to protect these innocent victims and fight against those attempting to exploit them or benefit from their plight. Together, we can make a difference!

The gravity of this situation cannot be overstated. In the face of such blatant disregard for justice, basic human decency, and the welfare of innocent children, it is essential that all those involved take decisive action to protect these children and bring the perpetrators to justice. The kidnapping must end as quickly as possible. Police and courts must act swiftly to ensure the safe return of Jacob’s children. We must also take a stand against any attempts at exploiting or profiting from this abduction, as Yogev Haimi appears to be doing. It is crucial that custody of these children is determined solely in their best interests and that any undue influence or special relationships are disregarded.

It is time for us to come together, stand up against injustice, and do our part in protecting the innocent victims of this terrible crime. Let us take action now and make sure that justice prevails! Together, we can make a difference!



What is the current situation with Jacob’s children?

The children have been abducted by Carol Grinberg Maslow and are believed to be in the Midwood section of Brooklyn. Police and courts must take swift action to protect these children and investigate this matter to ensure their safe return as soon as possible.

How can I help?

You can help by taking a stand against injustice and doing your part in protecting the innocent victims of this crime. Speak out about this case, and spread awareness so that Tali and Shimi are returned to school as quickly as possible. Urge the Israeli judicial system to take decisive action. Together we can make a difference!

What are the rights of Jacob’s children?

Jacob’s children have the right to safety, security, and stability. They also have the right to be protected from exploitation or abuse. It is essential that custody of these children is determined solely on their best interests, and that any undue influence or special relationships are disregarded.

What will happen if justice does not prevail?

If justice does not prevail in this case, it could lead to further exploitation and mistreatment of Jacob’s children and a breakdown in peace, order, and security in our society. Therefore, we must take decisive action now to ensure their safe return and uphold justice for all. Together, we can make a difference!


What to do if I see Carol Grinberg Maslow, Tali Maslow, or Shimi Maslow?

If you see Carol Grinberg Maslow, Tali Maslow, or Shimi Maslow, you must alert the police immediately. Do not attempt to intervene directly, and always remain at a safe distance. Any information regarding their whereabouts can be provided to authorities anonymously. It is also advisable to spread awareness of this situation so that more people are aware of what happened and can take action in helping to reunite these children with Jacob. Together we can make a difference!

Parental Abduction

Parental abduction occurs when one parent kidnaps or hides their child from the other legal custodial parent. This can be a traumatic experience for children, as they may feel confused, scared, and angry. It is important to note that parental abduction is not limited to any particular gender or race- anyone can become a victim of this crime.

Fortunately, some organizations provide support and guidance to victims of parental abduction. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) provides resources related to missing children, including locating abducted children and reuniting them with their families. NCMEC also offers toll-free helplines where you can report a case of possible abduction or get advice on what steps to take if you are a victim of this crime.

The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) is another great resource for victims of parental abduction. AFCC provides educational materials, resources, and links to other organizations that offer assistance in these cases. They also host an annual conference where victims can connect with experts who can provide information and guidance on how to proceed with their case.

Finally, Parents Abducted Children (PAC) is an organization dedicated to helping families reunite after parental abduction. PAC offers free legal advice and referrals and online forums where parents can share stories and support one another.

We all have a responsibility to stand against injustice, especially when it involves a child’s safety. Resources like those listed above are available to help victims of parental abduction get the help they need and ensure that justice is served. Together, we can make a difference!





Narcissism and Custody

Narcissism can have a detrimental effect on custody battles, as the narcissistic parent may be more likely to engage in tactics like alienation and manipulation of their children. This can lead to psychological harm for the child and difficulty in establishing or maintaining relationships with either parent.

When entering a custody battle, it is essential to recognize the signs of narcissism to protect your rights and ensure that your child’s best interests are considered. A narcissistic parent may display certain behaviors such as attempting to replace one parent with another; manipulating through guilt-tripping, emotional blackmailing, or lies; engaging in hostile parental communication; or refusing visitation. It is also essential to watch out for signs of alienating behavior from a narcissistic parent, such as belittling or badmouthing the other parent in front of the child, refusing communication with the other parent, and attempting to turn the child against them.

If you are facing a custody battle with a narcissistic parent, it is essential to understand your rights to protect yourself and your children. Seek legal representation from an experienced family law attorney who understands how narcissism can impact custody battles. Ensure all communication is documented, so there is evidence of any inappropriate or manipulative behavior from the narcissistic parent. Finally, if possible, seek counseling for you and your children to help deal with the emotional toll of coping with a narcissistic parent during this difficult time. With these tools and resources, you can ensure that your rights and those of your children are protected during a custody battle.



https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/co parenting-after-divorce/201603/how–deal–the–alienating–parent


Acrimony in Custody Battles

Custody battles can be particularly fraught with acrimony, especially if the parents have a history of conflict or animosity. Unfortunately, an acrimonious custody battle can hurt children and their relationships with both parents. Acrimony between parents can lead to the alienation of one parent from the child and heightened stress levels for everyone involved.

To minimize acrimony in a custody battle, it is essential to remember that the best interests of your children should come first. Try to remain civil and maintain open communication with your ex-partner during negotiations. Consider utilizing alternative dispute resolution techniques such as mediation or collaborative law, which are less combative than litigated court proceedings. If possible, develop a parenting plan with your ex-partner outlining how you will continue to parent the child together.

It is also essential to watch out for signs of alienation from an acrimonious custody battle. This may include one parent attempting to replace the other parent in their child’s life; belittling or badmouthing the other parent in front of the child; refusing communication with the other parent; and attempting to turn the child against them. If this happens, it is essential to get help right away to protect your rights and those of your children. Seek legal representation from an experienced family law attorney who understands how acrimony can impact custody battles and counsel for you and your children if possible. With the help of these tools and resources, you can ensure that your rights and those of your children are protected during a custody battle.




Rabbinical Court in Israel

In Israel, religious law governs family matters such as divorce and child custody. The Rabbinical Court is responsible for handling disputes related to these issues. Its archaic sexist views on gender roles often undermine men’s and women’s rights.

Divorce proceedings in Israel can be highly contentious and subject to either spouse’s manipulation. Unfortunately, female litigants have been known to misuse various laws governing marriage and divorce, resulting in an unfair advantage over their husbands. This includes using false claims of domestic violence or emotional abuse as leverage to gain more favorable terms during a divorce settlement. Additionally, unfair practices like refusing alimony payments or demanding exorbitant amounts of money in “ransom” have been used to extort husbands.

The Rabbinical Court has long been criticized for its gender bias and the unequal protection it provides women in divorce. This is often seen in their deference to mothers when making child custody decisions, which can harm children and family relationships. The court also disproportionately favors women in alimony payments, even though men may be equally or more deserving of support after a divorce.

All too often, these skewed views on gender roles lead to unfair outcomes during divorce proceedings that put women at an advantage over men. Unfortunately, this means that husbands must often seek help from experienced attorneys specializing in religious law to protect their rights and those of their children during a complex divorce process.

Although the Rabbinical Court has come a long way in making divorce proceedings more equitable, much work is needed. Religious law courts must continue to strive toward gender equality and provide fair protection for all litigants involved in divorce proceedings.






https://www.jewishpress.com/news/judaism/fighting-sexist-laws-in-israels rabbinical court system/2020/01/07/





https://www.thejc.com/comment/analysis/why-we-mustnpercentE2%80%99t%-TheJCnperce1ntBE2percent80 percent99t%-ignore%-Israelns%20gender%-inequality%-1.45305





 https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israeli-reforms%-seek%-to%-end%-rabbinical courts gender bias in divorce-1001398036


 https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israel-moves%-to%-modernize-rabbinical courts divorce law-1001222751?fbclid=IwAR2fE9XKj51GAdtRgvJxAZjNCQnDV3qWcASZ7vCjfnpHpinFGF8iL0hkOzw.

https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.-for%-years%-women%-have%-been%-fighting%5percent20for%-equality in rabbinical court.-1.4731600?fbclid=IwAR2UoxC6P2h9VdaC_6U5xgwxcL-rE1b8u3eOWbulVqdFGRJGQX7KDkVsEXQ.

https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/The-unfairness-of-the-rabbinical courts divorce process for women and men.-590583?fbclid=IwAR0f0TcYXy8HIW37m3vOsS4PzAx2ZM8RvearHgIUavtAHpAi4TFekwyufs8.

https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/for%-years%-women%-have%-been%-fighting%5percent20for%-equality in rabbinical court.-1.4731600?fbclid=IwAR2UoxC6P2h9VdaC_6U5xgwxcL-rE1b8u3eOWbulVqdFGRJGQX7KDkVsEXQ

https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/gender-inequality-in-israeli-rabbinical courts divorce proceedings.-or7956?fbclid=IwAR21vOcLYUXlrzfYKjW0Ge8dvf2WII7VzY0evuSbDIp5E8_OyPXtMn9gA1M.

https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.-fighting%-for%-equality in rabbinical courts divorce proceedings.-1.5025557?fbclid=IwAR3FRsvmkdIQyiCQZmHEEeJe_rFhtGUSjKcfsBzL-qaT80hJxOi6FmYH12s.