
How to Promote Happiness & Environmental Sustainability with Crayons| A Guide for Crayon Activists

How to Promote Happiness & Environmental Sustainability with Crayons| A Guide for Crayon Activists

With this blog post, you have landed at the right place if you want to know how crayons help promote happiness and environmental sustainability. 

When young, people often dream about what will make them happy and how they can change the world. As they grow older, they focus more on practical matters like making a living and surviving. Finding crayons as the solution to both happiness and world-changing ideas is interesting. It might seem odd to teach how colorful wax sticks can fulfill both dreams from childhood, but they can. As a crayon activist, there are compelling reasons why crayons are great for promoting happiness and improving the world.

Reasons 1: Tools That Brought Our Dreams to Life

All children have sat somewhere and thought, “I want to go to the moon” or “I want to ride horses on the open plains.” When faced with these big dreams, breaking open a piggy bank will not pay for land in Montana, and doing extra chores will not pay for rocket fuel or a spaceship. So, what can be done to feed the hunger for adventure? Grab some crayons! With them, it’s easy to imagine being a wild plains drifter fighting cattle rustlers or a space explorer equipped in NASA gear on a solo mission around the moon. These drawings satisfy the hunger and allow anyone to be who they want, even for a moment.

The main character of Billy Madison, a film, must finish every grade, beginning with kindergarten, upon returning to school as an adult. As a crayon activist, he continues, “I drew a duck and colored it blue because I’ve never seen a blue duck, but I wanted to,” to proceed to the first grade. Billy receives an A+

Reason 2: Emotional appeal is found in textiles

As people grow up and go through life, things constantly change. Neighborhoods transform into strip malls, and favorite items, like a beloved pastry, may disappear. Change is inevitable. However, crayons remain constant.

Opening a new box of crayons brings feelings of limitless possibilities. The array of colors can make one feel unstoppable. Holding the waxy paper and tearing it to reveal more crayons evokes a sense of satisfaction. The distinct smell of crayons, whether in a box or container, can evoke memories from far away, reminding a crayon activist of the transformative power these simple tools hold. These elements stir up dreams from childhood and the desire to bring them to life on paper.

Reason 3: We Need Crayons More Than Earth Does

It is important to help children create and give them the tools to do so. However, responsible adults need to consider the environmental impact, too. Although crayons are simple and unchanged, they should not end up in landfills. This is what a responsible adult and crayon activist should understand and take action on. Millions of crayons are made yearly, and many end up in regular trash. Wax does not break down over time.

Crayons are loved for their consistency, which becomes a problem in the environment. In the wrong place, they don’t change for centuries; they just get moved around and don’t provide any value back to the planet. As a crayon activist, the key is to keep crayons in use by recycling them repeatedly. This is what our organization does.

However, MORE THAN PEACH started considering all the factors and creating a plan to impact positively. Its goal is to keep used crayons out of landfills and give them to kids who can use them best. These children take the crayons and, without spending any money, bring their dreams to life! This approach keeps everyone happy and helps change the world.

In conclusion, crayons have great potential to bring happiness and help the environment. Supporting projects like MORE THAN PEACH helps children create and achieve dreams while positively impacting the planet. As crayon activists, we can make a big difference with colorful crayons. Thank you!
