Are you prepared for storms? Here are some extra safety measures

Are you prepared for storms? Here are some extra safety measures

When storm season comes around, it can be a little scary getting prepared for the worst – but as well as protecting your property and loved ones, we’ve come up with a few extra preparations you could make for your peace of mind.

  • Stock up on easy foods

Hopefully a situation where a storm lasts longer than a couple of days isn’t something we need to worry about often, but if you do live in a storm prone area it’s a good idea to have a stock of food that doesn’t need cooking and is easy to put together so that if the power or gas goes out, you can still keep everybody fed and healthy. This doesn’t have to be complicated; peanut butter and jam sandwiches are easy to make and have long lasting components, for example. For ideas about breakfast foods, here’s where you can learn more. It’s also important to keep a store of bottled water – a severe storm can interfere with the water supply quite quickly, and it’s safer to stick with bottled water.

  • Be ready for disasters to arise

Of course when a storm hits, we all hope for the best that it will be okay – but sometimes we don’t come away unscathed and problems do arise, perhaps in the form of a fire, a flood, or a power outage. Even if these scenarios seem unlikely it’s important to be prepared for them – for example, making sure you have a plan in place for stormwater management if you live in a flood prone area. Nobody likes to think the worst could happen – but it’s best to be prepared for the situation if it does arise.

  • Check safety afterwards

During the storm itself is not the only time that danger might occur; during a bad storm household appliances and other equipment can be damaged, meaning they aren’t safe to use afterwards. If you live in a storm heavy region, it’s a good idea to have some appliance testing equipment on hand so you can be sure your equipment is safe to use once the storm has passed,; for example, you could have a temperature transmitter to check that a furnace or boiler is working correctly after a storm takes place.

Hopefully, no storm will be nasty enough that you have to rely too heavily on these preparations – but you can’t put a price on safety and it’s always good to be prepared.
